Thursday, August 19, 2010


There is a lovely purple flower growing right out of one of the the paved roads on my paper route. This flower grows through the road not because it's trying to be difficult, it doesn't know that it isn't supposed to be there. It simply sought light from the sun and broke through the pavement because that's where it happens to have it's roots. Growing is it's purpose and not even and inch and a half of asphalt is going to stop it from achieving it's goal.

Every time I put off sitting down to write or whine to myself that I'm too bored with a story to complete it I'm going to remember this flower. My purpose is to write and share my stories with others. I need to stop procrastinating and making excuses and be more like that flower. The flower knows it's time to grow, so it grows. Not even an impermeable barrier will stop it. From now on, when it's time to write, I will write. Nothing will stop me from reaching the sunlight.

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Friday Speak Out!: My Writing Time is Non-Negotiable, Guest Post by Heather Humphrey

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Friday Speak Out!: My Writing Time is Non-Negotiable, Guest Post by Heather Humphrey
Finally got a by-line that wasn't on my own blog. WOO HOO!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


The streetlamps on the corner of one of the houses I deliver to are positioned in such a way that my body casts two separate shadows. Funny thing is that I've been reading a chapter dedicated to duplicity in "Becoming a Writer" and it's meaning really didn't click until I noticed this trick of light. It's like there are two of me. That's how it should be for any writer. The critic needs to remain separate from the creator. The creative personality needs to be protected and allowed to be full of intense feelings and sensitivity. That critical monster has to be kept away because it doesn't know how to play nicely with the creative pile of mush. The critic can silence the creator forever if the two aren't kept on their own sides of the bench. Cage the monster while your work is new. He'll have plenty of time to play when it's time to edit.

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Plucking Story Ideas from Thin Air

Why I carry a notebook with me EVERYWHERE I go!

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: Plucking Story Ideas from Thin Air

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Side Tracked

This morning during delivery I was distracted. I had an epiphany at work yesterday, a divine intervention type of revelation about a story idea I've been mulling over. Suddenly the whole thing appeared in my head. The outline is clear, the plot and characters are beginning to reveal themselves to me and I am ready to begin writing. Trouble is, I'm really busy. I know that I need several hours of time to plant my butt in a chair and write this stuff down. I need to organize the notes I've been taking on paper scraps. I need to do some research. But when? I barely have time to write this blog post and am doing so by sacrificing sleep!

While delivering, all I could think about was that I should be home filling in my bubbles and writing a chapter. I probably missed a few customers; my mind was not on task. Just as I was working myself into a frenzy thinking irrational thoughts about abandoning the route, I noticed the moon and stars. I realized that I'd been so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasn't enjoying a gloriously clear night.

I remedied the situation and put the story and my time management angst on the back burner so that I could stop and smell the roses. I noticed that the stars are beginning the noticeable seasonal shift. I can just barely see Orion on the horizon and in a few months he'll be high in the sky. I noticed the moon. It was barely a sliver back-lit enough that I could see the outline of the entire orb. When the sun began to rise the sky was a solid pale blue with not a single cloud. The devil's in the details. Notice them and create mental images that will keep the devil satisfied.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: The Adventure of Working From Home

WOW! Women On Writing Blog: The Adventure of Working From Home

For all the writers whom fail to give their writing the time it needs to flourish... click the link, read the blog, then tell everyone to buzz off while you write something!